Been there
JoinedPosts by Been there
Are You Still Affected By Guilt?
by minimus indo you still feel any guilt for celebrating a birthday or holiday or associating with "worldly" people or doing anything that the watchtower has inculcated as being wrong???
Rectum circles who park in handicap parking
by buffalosrfree ini just went to the store a few hours ago, some store but does have 4 places for handicap people to park in, well of course when i get there four assholes young people were parked in all four places, and when i had to walk by the them gave them a good piece of my mind.
and they of course got mad (4 guys waiting on their bitches i guess) and told me to "f" myself, when another older man hollered at them they of course told him the same thing, and then a store employee was out there gathering carts and he told them to leave the handicap parking they told him the same thing.
well upon exiting the store there was a local policeman who had driven up (that upholds my belief in god) and was giving all four of the assholes a ticket for parkintg in handicap parking, i made sure i told him about how they acted and what they told me.
Been there
I also get angry at people like that.
I once worked at a business card place. I printed up a box of bright yellow cards with red ink that said:
I'm sorry, you are mistaken. RUDE and INCONSIDERATE is NOT considered a handicap.
I would slip them under the wiper of any unmarked cars in a handicap spot. I had so much fun with that one.
by MsMcDucket inhello, i've introduced myself in a previous post in another forum, so i'm hoping not to appear to be rude.
right now, i'm being shunned by my twin daughters, whom i love to death.
i'm trying to keep busy to keep from losing my mind.
Been there
You can always stop paying the cell phone bill and see how long it takes them not to talk to you.
by MsMcDucket inhello, i've introduced myself in a previous post in another forum, so i'm hoping not to appear to be rude.
right now, i'm being shunned by my twin daughters, whom i love to death.
i'm trying to keep busy to keep from losing my mind.
Been there
Do you have reason to believe they are shunning you for that reason?
It is always hard when they leave the nest and you can't keep track of them any more. They have each other so they aren't as needy as alot of kids that may need to check in more often to keep the connection to home, home is with them alittle more. They are probably testing out being "grown ups" right now. At that age and freedom, the WT shouldn't have too big a hold on them. Not for long anyway. I think they will be fine. In Nine days they haven't even got their clothes in the closet yet.
Enjoy the peace and quiet for now.
Welcome to the board!
Forgiving and heart is full
by jgnat ini am missing myrna again.
this time of year she made sure we all got together.
i am tearing up again in thankfulness.. darn that date snuck up on my calendar, and i was not prepared.
Been there
Welcome Spamos and hubby!!!!
by OldSoul ini don't know your hubby's forum name, so i can't welcome him personally.
enjoy the experience of exchanging ideas freely.
give each other a big hug from me!
Been there
FLUFF ALERT: post the poem that makes you think of your loved one....
by kid-A inever read a poem that in a deep, profound way makes you think of the person you are hopelessly in love with?.
post a poem that makes you think of your loved one...wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend.....i'll start:.
[somewhere i have never travelled].
Been there
Beans, beans good for the heart....
Happy B'day to Me
by Lehaa inokies no one else has done it,.
but hey i haven't been around for a while.. .
happy b'day to me.. .
Been there
Happy Birthday, Lehaa!
*Fluff Alert!*
by mrsjones5 inso i was doing my paper route today and i was admiring all the different colored glazing balls that people have in their yards.
i like gazing balls and i plan to get one for my yard.
but i wonder, what is the point of a gazing ball?
Been there
I have wind chimes......they must be working, I'm happy to report no evil spirits in my house.
The Things You Forgive (vent/eulogy of sorts)
by hemp lover inyou forgive her for never not once setting foot in your house.. you forgive her for yelling at you almost every day, because if she hadnt yelled at you, if she had been one of those calm-voiced, even-tempered kind of moms, the kind who wasnt enraged by a child who bumped the vacuum into the furniture or one who didnt always scrub out the sink with zud after washing the dishes, then you wouldnt, years later, have been able to recognize the shock and pain in your own daughters eyes when you lose your temper and lash out stupidly, momentarily, always apologetically (after the fact), but never, it seems, for the last time (unfortunately) and without the memory of a childhood filled with longing for an inch of approval from the one person who refused to give it, then you might not have recognized that same desire and need for acknowledgement in your own child and you might not give it to her at every opportunity (as you do, as she deserves).. you forgive her for waiting five days to take you to the doctor when you broke your wrist, because those five days of pain, during which you were encouraged to just stop babying it, will lead to the first of only two apologies she will ever extend to you.
she just couldnt imagine how anyone could break a bone the way you described it happening.
you seek a small measure of revenge by waiting 20 years to tell her how you really broke it.. you forgive her for slapping you when you laughed at her during one of her screaming fits.
Been there
(((((Hemp lover & family)))))